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发表于 2016-9-24 09:46:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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1: @桐城姚辉(育) 我麻溪姚氏家谱开篇就点明了,麻溪姚出自先祖唐代姚崇公。这点我是没有异议的。

1 b, ~- I. J: h) f4 t5 Z8 l2:我记得应该是先祖姚崇公的第三子往派传的麻溪姚的。
5 X& Y( V) w6 L" p. N/ i7 t% K1 f( ?! x; {4 {- ^

& L; F. |$ U) ^  c$ j* `! F
  d: o% f% A6 q- q) X- M4 ?1 e  `4 K3 a" f& [9 q4 n

3 ?/ c, Y: _5 b. I. W5 J6:只是胜三公的父亲…莫考名讳。
1 G% j+ L) T* a9 E( W* U" p7 ^0 g+ i+ Z4 M! c+ J* L& F

' M9 q* j) f  c' X( m; K
8:怀疑 对客观世界和客观真理是否存在 能否认识表示怀疑的哲学学说' R5 F7 @6 G% U: I

, C4 w5 P2 V9 q: j. @- j2 {9:@桐城姚辉(育) “怀疑一切”是上世纪八十年代的青年才俊们哲学思维具有代表的一枝。

7 Q% s3 W, d. @! b3 A; e
9:家谱中记载还是具有十分强大真实性。严谨的家谱甚至高于许多经典的真实性,当然具有选择性的真实,一般的负能量的事记载少,正能量记载多些。, D2 g4 {+ L5 ~$ e

; C! s1 e% E: x. U+ W' n10:麻溪姚族谱应该和上面先祖谱系对接。

1 Y/ Y; k. p4 J- k/ q11:@桐城姚辉(育) 如果将姚国强宗亲提供的谱系资料复制一份最好。希望是先祖传接下来的最好。
( E0 _3 x( e$ j$ o7 P. t% \- l9 u/ N2 u7 ~
12:@桐城姚辉(育) 我们麻溪姚族谱附页中记载,姚镐公的儿子姚范公,姚范公有三个儿子。
2 k" n* k. W9 O! A6 Y. m# U/ |9 O5 |8 R9 d* a
* y; E$ L$ b1 p) v
, l# r* e4 x9 m14:麻溪姚需要考证的是:姚范公的三个儿子,尤其大儿子是否到安庆做过公职?8 b, U+ O: b) e; c5 o

; f& ~  c( A4 c/ A' L15:@  劲松 老先生所言在理,谢谢[微笑]。九修家谱是正事,需要100%的投入,上朔根源是一个奢望,不应在本次九修家谱任务之列。仅仅在有兴趣的宗亲中讨论讨论。
; Q" I' ^, q6 k* c7 g) V/ q' T4 Z" _3 @* r
9 u& y+ {: M, |; L1 _/ \
2 M9 O) |0 M) }% K' Q严重赞同劲松老先生哈!
9 a1 p& }+ w3 a9 N5 K+ x

* f3 w1 G  u: h/ ?. b, S4 _


, K" V. h- _8 D0 _$ Q
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签到天数: 89 天

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-24 10:03:10 | 只看该作者
2016年3月26日中国日报英文版发表了一篇文章,无论是立意还是深度都很好,现发出来与所有宗亲共享:( q3 o( \! n) S  `/ c* c
1 s2 d1 ]6 j+ f1 |8 A8 l8 T% u1 _
4 o- Q0 g; o! @' x4 f/ K8 G2 {$ H. {3 z$ N
英文内容:& z6 {% V1 a) d! ~# l+ S- ~/ d  }
Lessons to learn as we get to roots of the family tree
) ]: J/ [9 Y3 E% _
Updated: 2016-03-26 09:54:17+ V8 `3 O7 L3 v$ e

$ Y/ B; c6 Y" v1 y2 R- ]! Q
When it comes to the rituals surrounding death, we Chinese are worlds apart from Westerners. At a Western funeral, in addition to the tears shed there are likely to be cheery anecdotes and side-splitting jokes; at most Chinese funerals, the Confucian principle of shen zhong zhui yuan holds absolute sway: being thorough and reverent when one pays respects to dead relatives and offers sacrifices to ancestors.
As the annual Tomb Sweeping Day (April 4) approaches, Chinese will be beginning to pay tribute to dead family members, a tradition with a history of about 2,500 years. One notable change in recent years is that people are casting their minds back well before recent generations, over decades and even centuries.
Some will walk through mountain areas where their ancestors were buried long ago, intent on finding tombstones that bear names they have only seen in a family tree or other similar documents. That is what members of my clan, in the hundreds of thousands with the surname Yao, are doing. But they have a lot of catching up to do if they want to bring the family tree up to date because the clan's official family tree was last published 95 years ago.
The first generation were settled along the Maxi Brook in Tongcheng, Anhui province, during the late Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), so this branch of the family is called Maxi Yao. Over the next 600 years or so until 1921 the genealogy was updated eight times. Copies of the genealogy are held in the Chinese National Library, Tokyo National Museum and the Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City. It contains more than 20 volumes and records over 20 generations of the same clan.
I knew little about my family history until I recently heard about plans to bring it up to date. Growing up after the country started to open up and adopt great economic changes, and educated with an understanding of the outside world, I was too preoccupied with my own achievements and looking after my immediate family to be interested in the wider clan.
Thinking about it now, it is incredible that the family tree was tended to continuously for so long, surviving dynasties, wars, epidemics and natural disasters. That its continuity came to an abrupt halt in 1921 is understandable. The Qing Dynasty had then been gone for a decade, and with it disappeared long traditions and customs.
In the following decades there were clashes of warlords, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the liberation war, and the "cultural revolution" (1966-76). Millions of people were uprooted and displaced. Confucian thought, the guiding influence behind family trees, all but disappeared.
Now it seems, in an age of peace and prosperity in China, tracing family roots in an effort to know about one's forebears is in vogue again. People of my clan are lucky to have a genealogy we can refer to. Some 300 members of a WeChat group I belong to have a shared interest in working on family trees. Stories they tell include ones about outstanding family members down the generations, those who passed imperial exams to become officials and scholars. Among them was a key member of the Tongcheng School, a leading literary institution during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Another was known for defeating British invaders as military commander in Taiwan.
Many others who failed to scale such heights are nevertheless recorded in the genealogy with comments including "great integrity", "knowledgeable", "courageous" or "active in charitable causes". I think this reflects people's need to identify themselves with others who share similar family and social values.
Of course, my clan is just one out of thousands. In China, many more people are seeking their roots, and preparing to include themselves in their family trees. In two episodes of the six-part BBC documentary Story of China, two family trees are featured: one surnamed Qin who traced their ancestor to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) poet Qin Guan; the other surnamed Bao whose history dated back to the fourth century. The BBC program no doubt reflects the increased interest in family trees in China.
However, anyone digging into their family history is bound to find a lot more than noble deeds. For one thing, women were regarded as secondary and in the main led lives of misery. The genealogy reflects this state of affairs: they had no name they could call their own, and often deeds for which they gained recognition had to do with chastity, which often involved suicide or decades of widowhood.
As the tradition of building family trees is revived, let us hope that feudalistic ideas including discriminating against women that they sometimes reflect are well and truly buried.
3 y+ W$ h# q, t3 ~5 l3 M; E7 S
中文   由姚志勇宗亲翻译
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% l) C" G% _& p3 W* L5 n/ C3 e
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